(established 1905)

Next auction to be held at The Saleroom, Barmouth, Gwynedd


Wednesday 30th October 2024 commencing 11am

Updated 27th October


These details will be updated over the next week, and more images added.


Late entries: Sam Glass handmade rocking horse. Hardy Amies dress


Items so far include:

Oak dresser base, potboard dresser, small potboard dresser with open rack, small oak dresser, scumbled Welsh dresser. Oak deuddarn. Carved oak coffers, coffor bach. Small box settle. Oak chest on stand. Painted cricket table, early 19thC mahogany pedestal dropleaf table , rosewood fold over games table. Narrow Victorian secretaire. Large Edwardian mahogany framed mirror approx 6' x 8'. Oak cricket table

Small cart, small barrow. Inlaid child's corner chair, old pine, elm etc stools. Counter top haberdasher's drawers.

Mackay and Chisholm canteen of cutlery in oak table top chest of drawers, approx 120 pcs.

Decorated harp board. Antique leather Peshawar trunk. Carved slate pieces. Large gilt frame approx 4' x 6'

Leaded glass, large scales, small safe. Cast iron bread oven door, cauldrons, kettles. Nursery fireguard. African carved lamp standard.

Paintings, pictures and prints including acrylic ink resist painting of Aberdaron Church signed Megan Jones, William Selwyn signed print Farmers at Bryncir, pair watercolours Llyn Crafnant 1883, oil painting 'Ebb Tide on the Estuary' signed Campbell Walker 1948. Naive ship painting

Silver including salvers, teaset, footed bowls, plates, cigarette box, jugs, hairbrush and mirror, cutlery etc

Silver plate, Britannia metal, pewter

China including Moorcroft bowl, child's Victorian dinner set, oriental teaset, James Hadley figurines, Wedgwood and Foley Indian Tree etc

Brass and copper including watch holder, thermometer, minature fenders, horse brasses, candlesticks, Sankey Art Nouveau jug etc. Trren, including butter stamps, bowl etc

Enamel face wall clock. Holosteric barometer

Scissor set in leather case, skirt lifter.

Linen and costume including 1950's cocktail dresses. Hardy Amies lace dress. Dr Martens boots

Gold, silver and costume jewellery and watches including lady's gold Rotary wristwatch, other gold cased wristwatches, silver pocket watches, Tavannes 9ct half-hunter, 18ct pocket watch,Waltham and Hargreaves gold plated pocket watches, Ingersoll Mickey Mouse pocket watch, 9ct watch chain. Silver and gilt music medals

Coins. Mabie and Todd Swan fountain pen, 'silver' pencil

Binoculars - Dienstglass 10x50 in leather case and others. Cameras including Praktika Super TL with Mamiya 60mm lens, Minox 35ml, Vivitar extension tubes, Pentax Optio L20, Pentax Zoom 90WR, Pentax AF Zoom 70. Old slides in wooden box. Denon CD/Receiver. Violin

Young Master VW bug pedal car. Hand sewn leather football, signed by Sunderland? players. Toy vehicles Dinky etc. Soft toys - Winnie the Pooh, Snoopy etc. Lead figures

Linen backed segmented maps 1920s/1930s Edward Stanford, Atlas Siegfried. Globe. Postcards, autograph album. First Day Cover postcards, Football Programmes 1980s and 1990s

Quantity of ephemera including a Visitors' Book from The Red House/Last Inn Barmouth 1906-1912, 1960s Vogue magazines and catalogues from London shops, paper bags, seed packets etc etc

Tattersall's auction catalogues from 1960s to 2000, Sporting Chronicle Horses in Training from 1935-1999

Pair of vintage Cavendish fan heaters.2 large champagne bottles (empty!). Drews "En Route Tea Basket"

Tools including wood turning chisels, brass window catches.

Usual collection of unusual household and vintage miscellany, china and glass from recent house clearances

Oak dresser base, small oak potboard dresser with open rack, large potboard dresser, oak and pine dressers, oak deuddarn, carved oak coffers, coffor bach, settle, small box settle, oak chest on stand. Painted cricket table, mahogany pedestal dropleaf table, mahogany and rosewood games tables. Narrow Victorian secretaire. Large Edwardian mirror 6’x8’ approx. Longcase clock











Hall bench, small cart, inlaid child’s corner chair, old wooden stools. Counter top haberdasher’s drawer display unit.

Mackay and Chisholm canteen of cutlery in oak table top c

Mackay and Chilsholm, Edinburgh



Rotary 9ct watch and bracelet strap

9ct gold watch case

9ct gold watch cases

hest of drawers ( approx 120pcs).

Decorated harp board. Antique leather truck from Peshawar.

Leaded glass. Small safe. Large scales. Cast iron including bread oven door, cauldrons, kettles etc. Nursery fireguard. Carved African lamp standard

Paintings, pictures and prints including Megan Jones acrylic ink resist painting of Aberdaron Church, William Selwyn signed print, pair watercolours Llyn Crafnant 1883, oil painting ‘Ebb Tide on the Estuary’ signed Campbell Walker 1948

Silver including salvers, teaset, footed bowls, plates, cigarette box, jugs, hairbrush and mirror, cutlery etc.

Silver plate, Britannia metal, pewter.

China including Moorcroft bowl, children's play dinner set, oriental teaset, James Hadley figurines, Wedgwood and Foley Indian tree

Brass including watch holder, thermometer, miniature fenders, horse brasses, candlesticks

Porcelain face wall clock, holosteric barometer

Scissor set in leather case, skirt lifter. Costume incl 1950’s cocktail dresses

Jewellery and watches

Coins including collection in album

Binoculars including Dienstglas 10x50 in leather case. Cameras including Praktika Super TL with Mamiya 60mm lens, Minox 35ML, Vivitar extension tubes, Pentax Optio L20, Pentax Zoom 90WR, Pentax AF Zoom 70. Old slides in wooden box

Young Master pedal car. Hand sewn leather football signed by Sunderland? Players. Toy vehicles – Dinky etc, soft toys incl Winnie the Pooh, Snoopy etc. lead figures

Linen backed segmented maps 1920s/30s Edward Stanford, Atlas Siegfried. Postcards, autograph album

Quantity of ephemera including a Visitor’s Book from the Red House/Last Inn Barmouth 1906-1912, 1960s Vogue magazines and London shops catalogues, paper bags, seed packets etc etc

2 large champagne bottles

Tools including wood turning chisels, brass window catches.

Usual collection of unusual household and vintage miscellany, china and glass, pictures and prints from recent house clearances.



Oak dresser base, small oak potboard dresser with open rack, large potboard dresser, oak and pine dressers, oak deuddarn, carved oak coffers, coffor bach, settle, small box settle, oak chest on stand. Painted cricket table, mahogany pedestal dropleaf table, mahogany and rosewood games tables. Narrow Victorian secretaire. Large Edwardian mirror 6’x8’ approx. Longcase clock

Hall bench, small cart, inlaid child’s corner chair, old wooden stools. Counter top haberdasher’s drawer display unit.

Mackay and Chisholm canteen of cutlery in oak table top chest of drawers ( approx 120pcs).

Decorated harp board. Antique leather truck from Peshawar.

Leaded glass. Small safe. Large scales. Cast iron including bread oven door, cauldrons, kettles etc. Nursery fireguard. Carved African lamp standard

Paintings, pictures and prints including Megan Jones acrylic ink resist painting of Aberdaron Church, William Selwyn signed print, pair watercolours Llyn Crafnant 1883, oil painting ‘Ebb Tide on the Estuary’ signed Campbell Walker 1948

Silver including salvers, teaset, footed bowls, plates, cigarette box, jugs, hairbrush and mirror, cutlery etc.

Silver plate, Britannia metal, pewter.

China including Moorcroft bowl, children's play dinner set, oriental teaset, James Hadley figurines, Wedgwood and Foley Indian tree

Brass including watch holder, thermometer, miniature fenders, horse brasses, candlesticks

Porcelain face wall clock, holosteric barometer

Scissor set in leather case, skirt lifter. Costume incl 1950’s cocktail dresses

Jewellery and watches

Coins including collection in album

Binoculars including Dienstglas 10x50 in leather case. Cameras including Praktika Super TL with Mamiya 60mm lens, Minox 35ML, Vivitar extension tubes, Pentax Optio L20, Pentax Zoom 90WR, Pentax AF Zoom 70. Old slides in wooden box

Young Master pedal car. Hand sewn leather football signed by Sunderland? Players. Toy vehicles – Dinky etc, soft toys incl Winnie the Pooh, Snoopy etc. lead figures

Linen backed segmented maps 1920s/30s Edward Stanford, Atlas Siegfried. Postcards, autograph album

Quantity of ephemera including a Visitor’s Book from the Red House/Last Inn Barmouth 1906-1912, 1960s Vogue magazines and London shops catalogues, paper bags, seed packets etc etc

2 large champagne bottles

Tools including wood turning chisels, brass window catches.

Usual collection of unusual household and vintage miscellany, china and glass, pictures and prints from recent house clearances.

Oak dresser base, small oak potboard dresser with open rack, large potboard dresser, oak and pine dressers, oak deuddarn, carved oak coffers, coffor bach, settle, small box settle, oak chest on stand. Painted cricket table, mahogany pedestal dropleaf table, mahogany and rosewood games tables. Narrow Victorian secretaire. Large Edwardian mirror 6’x8’ approx. Longcase clock

Hall bench, small cart, inlaid child’s corner chair, old wooden stools. Counter top haberdasher’s drawer display unit.

Mackay and Chisholm canteen of cutlery in oak table top chest of drawers ( approx 120pcs).

Decorated harp board. Antique leather truck from Peshawar.

Leaded glass. Small safe. Large scales. Cast iron including bread oven door, cauldrons, kettles etc. Nursery fireguard. Carved African lamp standard

Paintings, pictures and prints including Megan Jones acrylic ink resist painting of Aberdaron Church, William Selwyn signed print, pair watercolours Llyn Crafnant 1883, oil painting ‘Ebb Tide on the Estuary’ signed Campbell Walker 1948

Silver including salvers, teaset, footed bowls, plates, cigarette box, jugs, hairbrush and mirror, cutlery etc.

Silver plate, Britannia metal, pewter.

China including Moorcroft bowl, children's play dinner set, oriental teaset, James Hadley figurines, Wedgwood and Foley Indian tree

Brass including watch holder, thermometer, miniature fenders, horse brasses, candlesticks

Porcelain face wall clock, holosteric barometer

Scissor set in leather case, skirt lifter. Costume incl 1950’s cocktail dresses

Jewellery and watches

Coins including collection in album

Binoculars including Dienstglas 10x50 in leather case. Cameras including Praktika Super TL with Mamiya 60mm lens, Minox 35ML, Vivitar extension tubes, Pentax Optio L20, Pentax Zoom 90WR, Pentax AF Zoom 70. Old slides in wooden box

Young Master pedal car. Hand sewn leather football signed by Sunderland? Players. Toy vehicles – Dinky etc, soft toys incl Winnie the Pooh, Snoopy etc. lead figures

Linen backed segmented maps 1920s/30s Edward Stanford, Atlas Siegfried. Postcards, autograph album

Quantity of ephemera in

Pages from a Visitors' Book from The Red House Barmouth

Avery Scales

Drews 'En-Route Tea Basket' with enamel cups, saucers, plates, spirit kettle etc




cluding a Visitor’s Book from the Red House/Last Inn Barmouth 1906-1912, 1960s Vogue magazines and London shops catalogues, paper bags, seed packets etc etc

2 large champagne bottles

Tools including wood turning chisels, brass window catches.

Usual collection of unusual household and vintage miscellany, china and glass, pictures and prints from recent house clearances.

Viewing: Tuesday 29th October 3pm - 6pm

and morning of sale from 9.15am


Terms: cash day of sale. Debit cards accepted.

Buyer's Premium 10%




01341 281527